18 September 18:00

Parade-Fest 2019

Parade-Fest is a theater and urban festival about the right to the city, which will take place in Kharkiv from the 18th to the 23rd of September.
Do you feel safe in your own city? Do you believe that it’s possible to make art in Ukraine? How often do you ward off thoughts about the war? Issues that we got used to avoiding, problems that we don’t want to see, pain that we don’t want to go through – all these things are examined by our festival. And we are sure that we should look for answers to them together.
The festival has three programs: theatrical, educational, urban.
Urban program takes over the ordinary places in urban space for cultural events. Performances of the modern theaters will represent the here and now honestly/will convey an honest representation of the here and now. Educational program is our contribution to creation of a new generation of cultural activists: speakers will tell about successful creative cases and give effective tools for developing cultural initiatives.
September 18-23, Kharkiv. We are not waiting for changes, we are waiting for you.

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